Today's Headlines: A big day of voting in March will point the way to November. Here’s the latest.

Do Americans Have a 'Collective Amnesia' About Donald Trump?
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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Top News

Do Americans Have a 'Collective Amnesia' About Donald Trump?

Do Americans Have a 'Collective Amnesia' About Donald Trump?

By Jennifer Medina and Reid J. Epstein

It's only been three years, but memories of Mr. Trump's presidency have faded and changed fast.

Are We in the 'Anthropocene,' the Human Age? Nope, Scientists Say.

Are We in the 'Anthropocene,' the Human Age? Nope, Scientists Say.

By Raymond Zhong

A panel of experts voted down a proposal to officially declare the start of a new interval of geologic time, one defined by humanity's changes to the planet.

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Editors' Picks

The Comet Strike Theory That Just Won't Die


The Comet Strike Theory That Just Won't Die

By Zach St. George

Mainstream science has done its best to debunk the notion, but a belief in a world-changing series of prehistoric impacts continues to gain momentum.

Inside America's Shadow War With Iran

Opinion | Thomas L. Friedman

Inside America's Shadow War With Iran

By Thomas L. Friedman

There's another Middle East conflict going on, and U.S. soldiers are on the front lines of it.

Today's Videos

Humanitarian Aid Boxes Dropped Over Northern Gaza

Video Video: Humanitarian Aid Boxes Dropped Over Northern Gaza

By The Associated Press and Reuters

Palestinians in Gaza City scrambled for boxes of supplies airdropped by the United States, Jordan, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

It's Been All Tumbleweeds, All the Time, in Utah and Beyond

It's Been All Tumbleweeds, All the Time, in Utah and Beyond

By Delger Erdenesanaa

Over the weekend the spiny orbs buried cars and piled up against the sides of houses as an unusual storm swept the region with dust and snow. And tumbleweeds. They're still digging out.

Go Behind the Scenes of All 10 Best Picture Oscar Nominees

Go Behind the Scenes of All 10 Best Picture Oscar Nominees

By Mekado Murphy

In these videos, directors walked us through pivotal scenes from their Academy Award-nominated films.

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