Today's Headlines: Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won Olympic Gold

Ukraine Aid Divides Republicans, After Trump Tones Down His Resistance
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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Top News

Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won Olympic Gold

Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won Olympic Gold

By Michael S. Schmidt and Tariq Panja

The case, involving multiple swimmers who seven months later won medals at the 2021 Games, prompted accusations of a cover-up and concerns over why antidoping regulators chose not to intervene.

Ukraine Aid Divides Republicans, After Trump Tones Down His Resistance

Ukraine Aid Divides Republicans, After Trump Tones Down His Resistance

By Jonathan Weisman and Michael Gold

His most vocal allies in the House, however, were loudly against providing assistance as Ukraine fights Russia's invasion.

Columbia Students Arrested Over Campus Rally May Face Other Consequences

Columbia Students Arrested Over Campus Rally May Face Other Consequences

By Troy Closson and Anna Betts

Students who camped in tents to protest the war in Gaza, including the daughter of Representative Ilhan Omar, may be barred from finishing the semester.

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Editors' Picks

A Ragtag Resistance Sees the Tide Turning in a Forgotten War


A Ragtag Resistance Sees the Tide Turning in a Forgotten War

By Hannah Beech and Adam Ferguson

Rebel fighters have handed Myanmar's army defeat after defeat, for the first time raising the possibility that the military junta could be at risk of collapse.

Can the MAGA Shrew Be Tamed?

Opinion | Maureen Dowd

Can the MAGA Shrew Be Tamed?

By Maureen Dowd

Flipping back and forth between wins and losses in Hollywood and Iowa, I couldn't help thinking that Trump was at the wrong celebration.

Today's Videos

A Trip to the Front Lines of a Forgotten War

Video Video: A Trip to the Front Lines of a Forgotten War

By Hannah Beech, Nikolay Nikolov and Adam Ferguson

A new generation of democracy fighters has taken up arms in Myanmar. If they push into the nation's heartland, the rebels could unseat a military that's had the country in its grip for decades. Hannah Beech, a New York Times reporter, embedded with one of the rebel groups on the front lines in Karenni State, where resistance forces said they held more than 90 percent of the territory.

Behind Our Investigation Into a Chinese Doping Case

Video Video: Behind Our Investigation Into a Chinese Doping Case

By Michael S. Schmidt and Claire Hogan

Months before the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for the same powerful banned substance. Michael Schmidt, an investigative reporter at The New York Times, explains.

Inside Novo Nordisk's Headquarters

Video Video: Inside Novo Nordisk's Headquarters

By Nikolay Nikolov, Eshe Nelson and Charlotte de la Fuente

Ozempic and Wegovy, the diabetes and weight-loss drugs, have soared to celebrity status in the U.S. But Novo Nordisk, the Danish company behind them, can't make enough of them. The New York Times reporter Eshe Nelson went to the drugmaker's headquarters to see how the company is transforming to deal with the global fame and demand.

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