Today's Headlines: The War in Gaza Turned This Longtime Michigan Democrat Against Biden

$1 Billion Donation Will Provide Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School
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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Top News

The War in Gaza Turned This Longtime Michigan Democrat Against Biden

The War in Gaza Turned This Longtime Michigan Democrat Against Biden

By Jennifer Medina

She knows the stakes. She loathes Donald Trump. But Terry Ahwal says she won't back President Biden in November.

$1 Billion Donation Will Provide Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School

$1 Billion Donation Will Provide Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School

By Joseph Goldstein

Ruth Gottesman, a longtime professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is making free tuition available to all students going forward.

In Trump Criminal Case, Manhattan D.A. Asks for Gag Order Before Trial

In Trump Criminal Case, Manhattan D.A. Asks for Gag Order Before Trial

By Jonah E. Bromwich, Ben Protess and William K. Rashbaum

Lawyers for Alvin L. Bragg, the district attorney, are seeking to protect jurors and witnesses in the first criminal prosecution of a former president.

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Editors' Picks

They Promoted Body Positivity. Then They Lost Weight.


They Promoted Body Positivity. Then They Lost Weight.

By Katie J. M. Baker

Do plus-size influencers owe their followers an explanation when their bodies change?

'I Said, 'What's Your Plan About Marriage and Dating?' And There Was Silence.'

Opinion | Jane Coaston

'I Said, 'What's Your Plan About Marriage and Dating?' And There Was Silence.'

By Jane Coaston

Conservative-leaning intellectuals want more people to get married. But how does that actually happen? Jane Coaston interviews Brad Wilcox.

Today's Videos

Palestinians Wait for Aid in Gaza City

Video Video: Palestinians Wait for Aid in Gaza City

By The Associated Press

Gazans described hunger and desperation in isolated northern Gaza. Aid organizations said it's increasingly difficult to deliver any aid to the region.

Jordan Airdrops Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

Video Video: Jordan Airdrops Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

By Reuters and Associated Press

Jordanian planes dropped food and medical supplies with parachutes in central and southern Gaza. People were seen rowing boats to collect aid dropped into the sea.

Videos Show Exchange of Gunfire at Houston Megachurch

Videos Show Exchange of Gunfire at Houston Megachurch

By J. David Goodman

The videos released by the Houston police left open the question of who shot a 7-year-old boy as his mother, armed with an assault-style rifle, exchanged fire with off-duty officers.

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