Today’s Headlines: Alex Jones Seeks to Liquidate His Assets to Pay Damages to Sandy Hook Families

Biden Straddles the Patriotic and the Political in Speech at Normandy
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The New York Times
Today's Headlines

June 8, 2024, 4:00 a.m. Eastern time

Top News

Alex Jones Seeks to Liquidate His Assets to Pay Damages to Sandy Hook Families

But money to the families would fall far short of the more than $1.4 billion they were awarded by juries for Mr. Jones's lies about the 2012 school massacre.

Biden Straddles the Patriotic and the Political in Speech at Normandy

The president said "echoes of 1944 are summoning us" during his address that honored the valor of D-Day fighters.

A Careful Dance: How Hezbollah and Israel Have Kept the Lid on a Wider War

Both sides have their reasons for calibrating their attacks to avoid a regional conflict.

Editors' Picks

For the First French Town Liberated on D-Day, History Is Personal

Some aging residents of Ste.-Mère-Église in Normandy can still recall the American paratroopers who dropped into their backyard. It's been a love affair ever since.

Opinion | New York Should Lead the Way on Congestion Pricing, Not Delay It

Gov. Kathy Hochul's misguided decision would be a huge setback for the quality of life in the nation's largest city.


In New Caledonia, 'No Confidence' With France After Violent Protests

An uneasy stalemate exists in the South Pacific territory as Paris continues to enforce a nightly curfew and a ban on the sale of alcohol.

From the I.R.A. to the Principal's Office, a Life's Evolution Echoes Belfast's

Jim McCann was an I.R.A. member who, convicted of attempted murder, spent 18 years in jail. Now, he's an educator, and his turn away from violence mirrors Northern Ireland's embrace of peace.

The E.U. Is Voting. It's Never Mattered More.

Hundreds of millions of voters are electing a European Parliament this weekend. The outcome will help tip the balance of the continent's struggle between unity and nationalism.

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Clarence Thomas, in Financial Disclosure, Acknowledges 2019 Trips Paid by Harlan Crow

The justice amended an earlier filing to include vacations to Bali and an exclusive California club paid for by the Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.

'Not Sustainable': High Insurance Costs Threaten Affordable Housing

Homeowners in areas battered by climate disasters are facing dizzying insurance rate increases. But builders of housing for the homeless and other low-income families are also struggling.

Latinos on the Border, Once Reliable Democrats, Waver Over Migrant Surges

In South Texas, where Latinos are the majority in most communities, there is skepticism over President Biden's new asylum ban and whether it will yield the long-term border security that residents are hoping for.

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U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts

China's expansion and Russia's threats of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine and in space have changed a U.S. drive to reduce nuclear weapons.

Biden Has a Historically Strong Job Market. It May Not Be Enough.

Job gains continue to surge, and the unemployment rate remains low, but as the president seeks re-election, voters say they care more about high prices.

Kennedy's Campaign Is Accused of Lying About His New York Residency

A group aligned with President Biden has challenged his ballot petition with New York State officials, arguing he should not be on the fall ballot.

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U.S. Hiring Rises Strongly, Along With Wages

Hiring was unexpectedly robust in May, with a gain of 272,000 jobs, but it wasn't all good news: The unemployment rate ticked up, to 4 percent.

China's Exports Surge as Trade Tensions Near Boiling Point

China's trade surplus soared, helping to lift the country's economy even as consumer spending slows because of a sharp housing contraction.

Looking for Pet Insurance? Some Dog Breeds Will Cost More to Cover.

Premiums for big dogs and purebreds are generally higher. But as one expert put it, "Every dog can get sick." Here's what to know about coverage.

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U.S. Tightens Car Mileage Rules, Part of Strategy to Fight Climate Change

The new measure requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon for all the car models they sell by 2031.

Samsung Workers Strike, the First in the Company's History

The South Korean tech giant is at odds with some of its employees as it is trying to reassure investors that its memory chip business can meet demand.

Mike Lynch, U.K. Tech Mogul, Is Acquitted of Fraud

Mr. Lynch, who was accused of defrauding Hewlett-Packard after it paid $11 billion for his software company, spent a decade working to clear his name.

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With Belmont in Saratoga, Horse Racing's History and Hope Are Linked

The storied track is hosting the Triple Crown race as progress around safety and increased capital investment lift the battered sport's prospects.

At 45, He Vies With Women Half His Age, Seeking an Olympic First

If Bill May makes the U.S. Olympic team, he will become the first man ever to compete in artistic swimming, formerly known as synchronized swimming, at the Games.

This Summer in Paris: More 'Open' Signs, Thanks to the Olympics

With millions of visitors expected in the city, restaurant and shop owners are hoping they made the right decision to forgo their cherished annual vacations.

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San Francisco Jewish Museum Has a Blank Space for Dissenting Artists

A museum's unusual tactic in a contretemps with protesters brings visibility to their walkout.

Mitsuko Uchida Says What She Thinks

The star pianist sat for a candid, occasionally tense interview in which she discussed creativity, the pandemic and why she doesn't conduct Beethoven.

A Show That Makes Young Japanese Pine for the 'Inappropriate' 1980s

A surprise television hit, now on Netflix, has people talking about what Japan has lost with today's changed sensibilities.

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New York

Is New York's Economy Too Fragile for Congestion Pricing? Many Say No.

Gov. Kathy Hochul said she halted the tolling plan because of New York City's unstable economic recovery. Experts say the alternatives are worse.

Businessman Tells Jury He Bribed Senator Menendez With a Mercedes-Benz

Jose Uribe said he had provided the car to Senator Robert Menendez's future wife in exchange for gaining the senator's "power and influence."

Momofuku Taps Paul Carmichael for a Restaurant and a New Direction

The former chef at Momofuku Seiobo in Sydney, Australia, returns to New York to play a key role in shaping the company.

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Media & Advertising

'Convergence of Anger' Drives Disinformation Around E.U. Elections

False narratives and conspiracy theories about climate change, immigration and Ukraine are spreading via politicians and foreign operatives.

How Media Outlets on the Left and Right Covered Biden's Immigration Order

Conservative media outlets criticized the executive order as being too lenient, while the liberal outlets that covered it said it was harmful to migrants.

Woman Who Says She Inspired 'Baby Reindeer' Character Sues Netflix

Fiona Harvey claims that the series, which has been promoted as based on a true story, defamed her by basing the character Martha, a convicted stalker, on her.

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Cancer Researchers Begin Large Long-Term Study of Black Women

The American Cancer Society hopes to enroll 100,000 women and follow them for three decades to discover what's causing higher case and death rates.

New Report Underscores the Seriousness of Long Covid

The National Academies said the condition could involve up to 200 symptoms, make it difficult for people to work and last for months or years.

How Wombats May Save Other Animals From Wildfires

They build extensive burrow networks and don't seem to mind when other woodland creatures use them as flameproof bunkers.

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Harry Roland, 'The World Trade Center Man,' Dies at 70

Within months of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and continuing almost until his death, he was a street orator hollering about that day's loss and destruction.

Jeannette Charles, Who Doubled for the Queen, Is Dead at 96

She bore a startling resemblance to Elizabeth II. In "The Naked Gun" and other movies, and in comedy sketches on TV, she wore the crown lightly.

H. Bruce Franklin, Scholar Who Embraced Radical Politics, Dies at 90

A cultural historian, he was fired by Stanford University in 1972 over an anti-Vietnam War speech that became a cause célèbre of academic freedom.

Larry Allen, Dominant N.F.L. Lineman, Dies at 52

Even on the star-studded Dallas Cowboys roster of the 1990s, he stood out with his head-turning strength and bone-rattling pancake blocks.

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Michelle Goldberg

Donald Trump's Mob Rule

Why the MAGA movement loves Mafiosi.

Jamelle Bouie

Republicans Have a New Way of Looking at Crime

This is what happens when you say it's the legal system that's indefensible.

William D. Cohan

The Slow Death of a Fabled Media Empire

Shari Redstone will decide the fate of Paramount and the future of some of America's most recognized cultural icons.

Nicole Gelinas

How New York's Congestion Pricing System Could Have Been Saved

A more flexible and sophisticated design might have saved the program from widespread criticism.

Jon Grinspan

The 19th-Century Club You've Never Heard of That Changed the World

In a democracy, how far is too far?

The Ezra Klein Show

The Economic Theory That Explains Why Americans Are So Mad

Annie Lowrey talks about how the affordability crisis is shaping how Americans perceive the state of the economy.

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